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​Home Work Policy

Regular and challenging homework is essential for academic achievement, personal character, and motivation. Parents should regularly check with their children to make sure that homework assignments are being completed and that students have a quiet and suitable spot at home in which to study. Homework will be assigned in all classes during the course of the week. The amount of homework is dependent upon the level at which a student is functioning. Weekend assignments also be given. All homework and assignments are communicated to parents through Homework and Communication Books.

Students are expected to complete and submit their own work. Occasionally some students will need assistance from parents or classmates, but it is important that all students learn to work independently.

CCIS After-school Tutoring Sessions offer students a time and place to finish homework and practice skills, under the supervision of trained teachers and tutors.

Student Examination and Promotion Policy

Assessments are carried out in all subjects for each grade level. Students who are not meeting the program requirements or who are unable to function at a particular grade level, a different program may be recommended to the parents. Promotion of students at Creative Children International School depends upon students acquiring the minimum requirement at each grade level.

The policy of CCIS is to ensure that all students are successful and progress from one grade level to another grade level.


Due to the nature of our programs, it is important that every student attend school on a daily basis, and on the time. Students are expected to be in school and to follow their assigned schedules each day. We strongly encourage parents to schedule Doctor and Dentist appointments after school hours.

Late to Class

Repeated lateness will warrant a meeting between parents, student and staff to bring about possible solutions.
Any student who is more than 10 minutes late to the first period must obtain a late slip from the front office secretary.

In the event of student absence:

In case of student’s absence, parents are requested to inform the school by 8:00 AM.
When returning from an absence the student must bring a written note signed by the parent, guardian or physician indicating the dates and reasons for the absence
In order to participate in an extra-curricular activity the student must be present during the school day
Occasionally, it might be necessary for a student to leave school before the end of the school day. A note from a parent/guardian stating the reason is required and must be given to the Nurse. Parents picking up students are to go to the reception. No parent or maid may go beyond that area when picking a child from school. CCIS does not have an open campus. Students may not leave school during the day (e.g. for lunch) and then return to school.


Students are given time each day to eat lunch. We encourage parents to send healthy lunch. Students are not allowed to bring the following to school due to the caffeine and sugar content: (Cola's, Candy, Chocolate, Chips, Fast food).

As per requested by some parents, the school provided a "Healthy Meal Program", where in the school orders healthy meal for each student.

Please note that students are not allowed to order food from outside except when pre-arranged for special occasions by the staff.

Parties and Celebrations

Birthday parties are not permitted during class time at the Elementary and Intermediate levels. In certain cases, celebrations may be held with administrative authorization.

Use of Telephones

Students may use the school telephone for EMERGENCY calls, before school, during lunch, and after school and a note from the teacher is required. Calling to ask for authorization to go to a friend’s house is not an emergency.

School Expectations

Students are expected to observe the following:

Arrive to school on time
Wear proper school uniform
Come prepared for all classes
Speak respectfully to adults and fellow students
Take proper care of school property
Not to bring to school mobile phones or any electronic equipment.
Keep the school environment clean and free of litter
Follow classroom rules set by the teachers and the Superintendent

Consequences of Misbehavior

CCIS’s disciplinary measures are meant to install in students a sense of responsibility for their misconduct. Part of our disciplinarian program involves the concept of consequences for actions, both positive and negative. There are consequences for inappropriate behaviors. The seriousness of any misbehavior will determine the consequences applied. In general, the following steps will be implemented:

Warning by classroom teacher
Time out and deduction of marks
Phone call to parents
Detention at recess
Detention after school
Student sent to counselor/ Superintendent’s office
Note : It is understood that serious discipline issue may demand the immediate removal of the student from the class environment and that he/she could be sent to the counselor/ Superintendent’s office without going through the steps listed above.

Should it be necessary to suspend a student, the parents will be called in and asked to take the student from school. All staff will be notified of the student’s suspension. The parents are required to have a personal interview with the Superintendent upon the return of the student.

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