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Bi-Lingual Circulars & letters

Circulars (in both languages- English & Arabic) are sent frequently from the administration to keep you informed with schools events and issues. Students are expected to deliver school letters and circulars to their parents on the day of distribution. Please check your child’s school bag daily to see if she/ he has any announcements or letters from the school.
Parents Newsletters

Communication between school and family are of great importance. Parents will receive a newsletter informing them of the schedule, lessons and other school information.
Student's Communication Book
All letters and announcements will be organized by the teachers in the student’s “Homework and Parent Communication Book”. Please sign each letter to inform the teacher that you have seen and read it.
Open house policy

You are encouraged to call the school Superintendent if you have concerns and wish to discuss it with him.He will take your call or meet with you at any time during the school hours with prior appointment.
The teachers are also available to meet with you on Thursdays after 2:00 PM to discuss any of your concerns. Kindly call the School's Secretary to schedule a meeting with your child's teacher
IEP Meetings

Parents are kept informed of both academic and social progress of their child through the IEPs meetings which are held three times a year. These meetings gives parents an opportunity to receive individual advice on how best to work with the challenges they are facing at home, and how best to enhance their child’s learning.
22 October 2014 1st IEP Day (No School for Students)
5 March 2015 2nd IEP Day (No School for Students)
07 June 2015 3rd IEP Day (No School for Students)


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